《风、火神》     布面油画     60 x 70 cm    1985





Exhibited at: The 6th Beijing International Art Exposition 2003; The 8th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, 2003; The 11th China Art Exhibition, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, 2004; The 7th Beijing International Art Exhibition, Beijing, 2004; The 9th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, 2004.

发表于:中国艺术,页。 81.

Published in: Chinese Art, page 81. 


这是美丽的田园夜景吗? 或许是, 但…… 小心点那两个家伙! 风神正猛烈的吹向火神。

Author's comment: 

Is it an idyllic nocturnal landscape? Maybe yes, but... beware of those two! Aeolus (the Roman God of Winds) blows violently on Vulcan (the Roman God of Fire and Metalworking).