《拉丁美洲出卖者-将军》     布面油画     70 x 60 cm    1984



Latin America: The General U$ed


Exhibited at: The 6th Beijing International Art Exposition 2003; The 8th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, 2003; The 11th China Art Exhibition, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, 2004; The 7th Beijing International Art Exhibition, Beijing, 2004; The 9th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, 2004.

发表于:La Chine au présent(《今日中国》杂志法文版)2004442°n.4(第515253页,采访胡春华主任和加拿大记者Louise Cadieux);中国艺术,第79页; 《中国艺术杂志》,第87页;北京名人,第20页; 2003年第六届北京国际艺术博览会图录,第30页; 《第八届广州国际美术作品展》图录,广州,2003年,第89页; 2004​​中国艺术博览会》图录(第110-111页,附大量中英文评论); 《第九届广州国际美术作品展》图录,广州,2004年;广州日20041217日版第2版(旁边是《庆祝勃起》和《往日青春的梦想》。看这些作品,后面是意大利驻广州领事,右边是作者)

Published in: La Chine au présent (French language edition of China Today magazine) 42^ year, n. 4, April 2004 (pages 51, 52, 53 with interview with Director Hu Chunhua and Canadian journalist Louise Cadieux); Chinese Art, page 79;  China Magazine Arts, page 87; Famous People in Beijing , page 20in the catalogue of  The 6th Beijing International Art Exposition 2003, page 30; in the catalogue of The 8th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, 2003, page 89; in the catalogue of China Art Exposition 2004 (pages 110-111 with extensive commentary in Chinese and English); in the catalogue of The 9th Guangzhou International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou, 2004; in Guangzhou Daily, December 17, 2004, page 2 (next to "The General Used" and "Celebrative Erection". Looking at these works, seen from behind, are the Italian Consul in Guangzhou and, on the right, the author).



Author's comment: 

Latin America is here represented as a General because there have always been revolutions and coups d'Etat usually supported, if not instigated, by the USA (a country that, nevertheless, I do love): for this reason Central America is here depicted as a machine gun shooting "bullets" filled with U.S.$.

The blood staining all Latin America (including Cuba and the Falkland Islands) shows that the Author is not influenced by any ideology. Marco's Golden Rule, in fact, is: "Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated".





夺拉丁美洲的美国将军们表情是那么僵硬,仿佛被对绝对权力的贪婪所欺骗。这张脸太恶心了,对人皱眉(好像他对每个人都生气,甚至包括你!) 最好不要看到!还不如离他远一点

The General

Although he exercises an attraction due not only to the mystery surrounding the Author’s works, but also to the energy of the painting itself (perfectly concealed by a look that, to a neophyte, could appear irreparably attracted by infinity, by nothingness), it is better not to see The General! Better not to know him! Better… if he had never been painted!

By ignoring people’s presence, by appearing as unapproachable as the most divine Diva, the Supreme Commander obtains the opposite effect: he captures the greater attention needed to a deeper reading.

As a result, it is noticed that, besides disdaining other people’s look, he keeps his lips firmly tightened. The only open mouth you can see, in fact, is the one shooting “shells” full of U$ dollars the use of which is not meant to satisfy the needs of Latin America in general, but only those of the Generals of Latin America!

With such a stiff face, The General U$ed, who has abU$ed of Latin America, seems bewitched by the avidity of Absolute Power. A face so repulsive and frowning at people (as if he were angry at everybody, even at you!) it’s better not to see! Better to stay away from him!


马可因出版了一幅独特的画作《拉丁美洲:将军的背叛》而声名鹊起,该画作探讨了战争的破坏性,并通过尖锐的讽刺争议解决了这个尖锐的问题。它引发了对地理学——政治和地理学的反思。经济利益引发了战争,尽管这幅作品可以追溯到八十年代,但这幅画在今天仍然非常受欢迎和相关。 ”Sabrina Falzoni 博士

"Marco had a taste of fame with the presentation of a unique work entitled “Latin America: The General U$ed”, which deals with the destruction of war, dressing that cutting controversy in sharp irony. It provokes people to reflect on the geo-political and economic interests that give rise to war and even though the piece dates back to the Eighties, the canvas is extremely current and relevant today". (Dr. Sabrina Falzone)