雅尔塔:马戏团会议     布面油画 拼     40 x 30 cm    2014



The Yalta Circus-ference

览地点:维罗纳当代艺术三年展,2016 年;视觉艺术三年展,罗马,2017.

Exhibited at: Triennial of Contemporary Art, Verona, 2016; Triennial Exhibition of Visual Arts, Rome, 2017.

发表于:Catalog Triennale d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma 2017_Aeterna,由 Gianni Dunil 编辑(第 213 页),附评论(第 82 页); 2016 维罗纳三年展当代艺术目录(第 85 页)及评论(第 544 页); Effetto Arte 双月刊艺术和文化杂志(Paolo Levi 导演,第 6 年,第 4 期,2016 10 月至 12 月)第 88 页;切塞纳蒂科市艺术双年展目录(2021626日至830日),第92页; My ART,国际在线杂志,EA Editore,两年一度的艺术文化杂志,第一年,2017(封底)。

Published in: the catalogue of the Triennial Exhibition of Visual Arts, Rome, 2017_Aeterna, edited by Gianni Dunil (page 213) with commentary (page 82); the catalogue of the Triennial of Contemporary Art, Verona, 2016 (page 85) with commentary (page 544); Effetto Arte – bimonthly art and culture periodical (directed by Prof. Paolo Levi), year 6, n. 4 October – Dicember 2016 (page 88); the catalogue of the City of Cesenatico Art Biennale (26 June – 30 August 2021), page 92; My Art, International Web Magazine, EA Editore, biannual art and culture periodical, year I, 2017 (back cover).


Circus-ference     ( 两个词的组合: 马戏团 + 议 )


Author's comment: 

Circus-ference is a combination of two words: Circus and Conference.

By inserting Charlie Chaplin into the work, I simply wanted to ridicule the self-elected “friends”, as Leaders of the World.


评论:2023 6 16 日,阿姆斯特丹惠特尼画廊(纽约)执行董事兼策展人 Ruthie Tucker 女士写道:

 ...在仔细审查您的艺术品后,阿姆斯特丹惠特尼画廊的策展审查委员会正式选择您参加我们的精英博物馆级别的代表计划。我们值得注意的策展审查委员会对您出色的作品印象最深刻,例如《木乃伊》,当您揭示可见中的不可见时,它与深刻的视觉叙事产生共鸣。您在杰出作品中描绘的精神艺术之旅令人印象深刻,是个人表达的胜利。 尔塔产生了深刻的象征意义,同时反映了普遍的信息。

我们向您的美学引人入胜的作品致敬,这些作品充满了动态的质感和强大的内心形状。我们被LADY WANG的情感品质所吸引,它反映了你的优秀才华和充满活力的视觉色彩强度。您引人注目的爱因斯坦平衡传达了您独特的艺术视野,即在您抓住情感和身体体验的本质时捕捉难以捉摸的事物。我们的委员会向您的杰出作品致敬,您的作品具有重要的视觉叙事以及与人类和艺术体验的情感联系。我们对您精彩的艺术和出色的作品中的正能量感到非常满意。我们很高兴在我们美丽的切尔西画廊举办的 2022 年激动人心的展览中展示您的艺术作品

Comment: On 16 June 2023, Mrs. Ruthie Tucker, Executive Director – Curator of Amsterdam Whitney Gallery (of New York) wrote:

 ... After carefully reviewing your artwork, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery's Curatorial Review Committee has formally selected you to participate in our elite museum-caliber Representation Program. Our noteworthy Curatorial Review Committee was most impressed by your superb oeuvre such as "MUMMY" which resonates with a profound visual narrative as you reveal the invisible within the visible. The spiritual artistic journey that you portray in your stellar oeuvre was quite impressive and was a triumph of personal expression. "YALTA" generated a profound sense of symbolism while reflecting a universal message. We salute you on your aesthetically absorbing oeuvre which reverberates with a dynamic textural sense and powerful visceral shapes. We were enthralled by the emotive quality of "LADY WANG" which reflects your fine talent and vibrant visual intensity of colors. Your compelling "EINSTEIN-EQUILIBRIUM" conveys your unique artistic vision of capturing the impalpable as you seize the essence of the emotional and physical experience. Our Committee salutes you on your stellar oeuvre with its important visual narrative and its emotional link to the human and artistic experience. We are so pleased with your marvelous art and the positive energy of your stellar compositions. We would be delighted to showcase your art in an exciting 2022 Exhibition at our beautiful Chelsea gallery.


作品《雅尔塔马戏团》展示了二战期间举行的会议的一些参与者(丘吉尔、罗斯福和斯大林),而希特勒的形象被查理·别林的形象所取代。艺术家使用粉红色调并将著名的面孔放在女性身体上,以讽刺和精湛的方式唤起了一个重要的历史时刻,并以幽默的方式对其进行了改编。 (詹尼·杜尼

The work "The Yalta Circus-ference" shows some of the participants (Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin) at the conference held during the world war, while the figure of Hitler is replaced by that of Charlie Chaplin. Using pink tones and placing famous faces on female bodies, the artist evokes an important historical moment with irony and mastery, adapting it in a humorous way. (Gianni Dunil)