华尔街:要么你的钱包,要么你的生活!     布面油画     70 x 100 cm    2010



Wall $treet: Your Money or your £ife!


Exhibited at: Second International Art Biennial of Palermo, 2015

发表于:第二届巴勒莫国际艺术双年展图录; Effetto Arte – 艺术与文化双月刊(Paolo Levi 导演),第 5 年,n. 32015 5 月至 6 月(第 156 页,由 Sandro Serradifalco 审阅); My ART,国际网络杂志,EA Editore,两年一度的艺术和文化期刊,第一年,2017 年(第 4 和第 5 页,由 Sandro Serradifalco 审阅)

Published in: catalogue of the 2nd Palermo International Art Biennial; Effetto Arte – bimonthly art and culture periodical (directed by Paolo Levi), year 5, n. 3 May-June 2015 (page 156 with review by Sandro Serradifalco); My ART, International Web Magazine, EA Editore, biannual art and culture periodical, Year I, 2017 (pages 4 e 5 with review by Sandro Serradifalco).