N.B.: TO DATE (2024), ALL OF MARCO'S WORKS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, ARE HIS PROPERTY. ----------------- Born in Magna Graecia in 1948, the internationally recognised artist Marco Salvatore Mallamaci is of aristocratic Greek lineage that can be traced, precisely, back to the very foundation of Magna Graecia. An artist, collector and official of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1979 to 2013, Marco is a multifaceted character who surprises everyone he meets. He has lived mostly abroad. He has travelled widely through Asia, Africa, America and Europe. These journeys have left indelible traces on his path in life, significantly enriching the cultural, ethnic, political and professional experiences which now represent the foundation of his inner wealth, the well from which he draws his inexhaustible creativity. It is not by chance that the self-taught artist’s corpus of pictorial works has a distinctly cosmopolitan feel: he can, to all intents and purposes, be defined a "citizen of the World."
http://marcoartstudio.com// |